We’ve all seen those images of desire lines made by feet across urban landscapes to take us from point A to B with the least effort.
BUT…this weekend I spotted a desire line that was created by the desire to PLAY.
Wandering near Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol I came across The Slidey Rock. This popular play feature has been worn smooth by the generations of Bristolians who have slid down the gradient on their backsides.
I found it fascinating to see a desire line that had been made by people having fun on their way from point A to B.
And then doing it again, and again, and again.
Kids were sliding down, clambering back up and testing different ways to go faster by sliding on a coat or scarf, or having more fun by going head first on their front.
I had a go and so did my daughter Zoe (see video) in fact we went up and down a few times. She did it in style, and I was a bit cumbersome!
There were lots of adults who were standing around waiting for their kids, looking rather bored.
It reminded me of a George Bernard Shaw quote:
‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.’
We live in a time where we have so much to learn to create a sustainable, equitable society that play is essential.
Without play we can’t learn, and without learning we can’t pivot. And play is what makes the difference between a ‘pivot’ and a ‘panic’.
When we are playing we stay engaged with what is happening. We stay open, flexible and connected. And it’s naturally more fun!